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 "Men join fraternities. Leaders of men join Sigma Chi and leaders of Sigma Chi go to Horizons."

Horizons is a leadership development experience specifically created for qualified undergraduate Sigma Chis with at least two years of academic eligibility left in college and who have expressed a desire to improve their understanding of leadership as it relates to personal development, group dynamics, and intentional efforts to make positive change in the world. The Horizons Program is hekd in an ideal setting for outdoor adventure in the beautiful Snowbird, Utah. Horizons is an interactive learning, inspiring reflection with an  amazing life-changing experience for successful undergraduate applicants. If selected, the experience is fully paid for by the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Working with professionals who have fashioned innovative leadership programs for Fortune 500 companies, Sigma Chi introduced Horizons in 1999.


Horizons focus is to take an undergraduate brother who has the desire to be a strong leader and give him the tools and confidence to be successful as a leader and as a solid member of society. Horizons belief is that leaders are made, not born, and intend to provide participants with the necessary tools to become a true leader for your entire life.

The primary purpose of Horizons is for young leaders to explore the inner territories of leadership and learn:

  • How leadership is directly linked to values and character

  • Practices of leadership and specific leadership skills

  • Discovering and utilizing one's full potential for a lifetime of leadership

  • How to seek and recieve constructive criticism

Check out this video clip to get a glimpse of the amazing resort you'll be staying in Snowbird, Utah.

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